throwback to my design*sponge guide
/If you've been around here for a while, you'll remember that I wrote a guide to Des Moines for Design*Sponge.
It was so fun to work with my friend, Liz, and wander around for an afternoon. We basically just talked and ate our weight in pizza - it was great!
Even though the guide is from just two years ago, it already feels sort of outdated. It's hard to believe, but back in 2016 neither St. Kilda or Horizon Line had even opened yet! I visit them both so often that they feel like they've always been here. I guess that's the sign of a good place, right?
All that being said: I still love this little guide because it was one of the first pieces I wrote online that reached a wide audience. It was also the first time a company paid me to write for them! Both big deals in my book. You can check out the guide by clicking here.
And be on the lookout, too, because I plan to write my own guide for Say Hello to the City sometime in the next couple of months. I have some new favorites (looking at you Alba) and I really enjoy creating content for those sorts of posts. Stay tuned, faithful readers!