Max Jury
/Hinterland is here. This is one of my favorite Midwestern events. It only started three years ago, but already feels distinct and special.
Max Jury kicks things off Saturday morning and I was able to talk with him briefly about his journey.
Photography courtesy of Grandstand Media Management
How does it feel to be playing a Midwest festival? I know you got your start here in Des Moines, so I wonder if this feels kind of full circle?
It feels great. Totally full circle and back to my roots. Over the last few years I've rarely played in America, let alone Iowa, so I'm excited to share my music with family and friends. It's a pleasure to share the bill with so many of my favorite acts.
You've encountered quite a bit of success in this past year. When you think of being successful as an artist, tell me what springs to mind.
Thank you. That's a good question! I think a successful artist never stops learning and never stops growing. For me, that's the end game. To constantly improve the craft.
Not to be naive - external success is a real thing too - selling tons of records, big tours, etc. And i have those ambitions - who doesn't? But i think to get your self worth from those types of things is a slippery slope. If my next record is better than my first - I'll consider that a success.
I read that when you started pursuing music, you saved up to record your first demo. That takes a lot of guts! How has that type of tenacity helped you as an artist?
I think that type of tenacity is crucial. We are living in a time in which it's easy and affordable to make good, interesting sounding records from a bedroom. It's a very competitive time and there are so many talented artists out there - so being passive is a real Achilles heel.